Super Quick 15 Minute Yoga Session Focused On Balance

Welcome back!

I just filmed a super quick 15 minute session that you can try today

We start off slow with some gentle stretches and then we finish with a few balancing poses

This video is perfect if you are new to balancing yoga poses and want to work on it

Balancing on one foot can be super difficult for most people (myself included) so I wanted to start off slow with only a few postures and we will start to slowly build over time

You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel as well where I will start to upload at least one to two videos per week 🙂

Kimberly Tanimoto Yoga

Are there certain yoga postures or meditations that you would like to see next?

Comment below!

And check out this really cute workout set I got off of Amazon! And only cost about $25 for the set. Amazing deal!

Should I get it in more colors? 😉

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