Top 5 Things You Should Do After Your Next Yoga Session
My last post I talked about the things you should do before your next yoga session. You don’t have to do any of these things, of course, but it may just make your next session just a tad bit better!
Check it out here!
Three Things You Need To Do Before Your Next Yoga Session
And that is what a yoga practice is kind of all about right? Tiny little improvements over time. And that is what life is kind of all about too, isn’t it? It is pretty boring to always stay the same.
Life stays fun and exciting when you continue to push yourself! It doesn’t have to be anything crazy! You could try a new yoga asana, walk an extra 0.5 miles, walk a new route around your neighborhood, find a new hiking trail, try a kickboxing class. Whatever it is! Trying new things and keeping the spice in life will keep both your mind and body young 😉

Okay so here are the top 5 things I think you should do after your next yoga session.
1). Savasana
You should end every session with savasana! You don’t have to lay there for 20 minutes. You can even do just a quick 3-5 minute savasana after your yoga sequence. Some people say savasana is the most important part of your practice!
It allows you to be still and lay quietly and just relax your mind and relax your body. Savasana also helps your body fully absorb your practice.
If you find savasana difficult, start super small. You can even start with just one minute for the first few times and then slowly increase your practice over time.
Like I just said, this is a PRACTICE! It is not a race. This is a life long challenge over time. You are not going to be perfect right away, and in reality, you will never be perfect. Perfect doesn’t exist!
2). Meditate
I don’t do this every time, but I love to meditate right after my yoga and savasana session. You can just keep laying right on your mat and roll into a meditation session right after savasana ends! Even just a quick 5-10 minute session typically improved my mood and makes for a great rest of the day.

3). Hydrate
Make sure you drink some water after your session. You did just work out after all!
I like to hydrate with a lemon and a small pinch of pink Himalayan salt in my water 🙂
Any cup or tumbler will do of course, but I happen to love the Yeti tumblers and Hydroflask also has some cute ones as well (like I mentioned earlier in my previous blog post).
4). Have a small snack
If I had a small meal when I woke up, then I like to have a snack after my yoga session. Sometimes I will have a smoothie or a smoothie bowl, some yogurt with granola and fruit, a little bit of cheese and crackers, a banana and peanut butter, or a rice cake with peanut butter and honey are some of my favorite super easy options!
5). Take a walk
Okay now this ones kind of a bonus, but taking a small walk after my yoga session is also a great way to get a bit more exercise in, while also getting some vitamin d (if you walk outside). Now of course we can’t always walk outdoors because of the weather, but even a walk on the treadmill is super beneficial!
If you want to make it extra spicy, wear some leg weights outside or bump up the incline on your treadmill 😉
What are some of your favorite things to do after a yoga session? Leave me a comment below!