Three Things You Need To Do Before Your Next Yoga Class

Are you new to yoga?

Or maybe you have even been practicing for years, but do you have a routine you do before every yoga session?

It is not MANDATORY, of course, but I think there are a few things you can do before your next yoga practice to make your session even better!

Number 1 : Drink at least 8 ounces of water

I know, I know. You constantly hear that drinking water is important, but it’s because it is true! And MOST people are chronically dehydrated, so it begs repeating!

I also like to add a small pinch of pink Himalayan salt to my water and also squeeze a little lemon in there. Just water alone is not very hydrating, so it is important to add back in those minerals that get lost with filtration.

My favorite tumblers right now are the Yeti ones and Hydroflask. I keep hearing about the Stanley cups, but haven’t made the leap yet. Have any of you tried it?! I am very curious to see how you like it.

Number 2 : Stretch

Nothing crazy, but a little bit of stretching helps me get in the mood for yoga and loosens me up a little bit. Do not overdue it, though! Because you do not want to overstretch cold muscles because it can lead to injury.

Number 3 : Have a small snack

Some yogis like to practice on an empty stomach, but I like to have a small snack before I practice. There is nothing worse than your stomach growling nonstop while you are in downward facing dog!

I like to choose something super light like yogurt, a smoothie, or a granola bar or something similar to that. You do not want to choose anything too heavy, especially if you are doing inversions, since that could potentially upset your stomach.

Stay tuned for the next post where I will talk about a few things you should start doing after your next yoga practice 🙂

What about you? Do you have a routine you do before your practice? Comment below

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